At Cherry Log Christian Church, Disciples of Christ

Here are some ideas for families to use to worship and grow together.

  • Read a Bible story and then draw it or create a scene from the story out of Legos or play dough.
  • Light a candle as a reminder of God’s presence and pray together. You might even chose to draw your prayers instead of voicing them.
  • Where do you feel God’s presence? Try having a family devotion outside. Pick a passage of scripture or a verse that talks about nature (birds, water, trees, etc) and discuss it while you are surrounded by it.
  • How can you BeLove to someone during this time of physical distancing? This would be a great time to be a secret servant! Do something kind for someone without them knowing.
  • What are your favorite hymns and songs? Have a family sing along! Either play them, sing them  acapella, or find them online and sing along.
  • Make a thankful box for family members to add what they are thankful for throughout the week. At the end of the week, open the box and talk about all the things your family was thankful for that week.
  • Pick a Bible verse for your family to learn and live by. Write it on mirrors and windows with dry erase markers so that you have a constant reminder.
  • Create a stone memorial for your family to remember this time. Find two rocks for each family member. On one rock, write a fear or concern that is weighing on your mind or heart in relation to COVID-19. On the other rock, write a reminder about God’s comfort and provision. Put all the rocks together (in whatever design or formation you choose) as a visual reminder that God is with us.

Here are some online resources.