Disciples of Christ 
National website provides information and resources for Disciples.  We are a movement of wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s table as God has welcomed us.  (Disciples of Christ statement of identity)

Disciples News Service
Check this link to read the latest news stories and press releases from the Disciples News Service.

Disciples of Christ in Georgia 
Provides information and links to Georgia congregations, organizations, calendar of activities, and Camp Christian.

Disciples of Christ Historical Society 
Learn about the role we play for studying the history of Christianity.

Links to all General Ministries in the Disciples

Christian Board of Publication – www.cbp21.com

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) – www.disciples.org

Christian Church Foundation – www.disciples.org/ccf

Church Extension – www.churchextension.org

Church Finance Council – www.churchfinancecouncil.org

Council on Christian Unity – www.disciples.org/ccu

Disciples Home Missions – www.discipleshomemissions.org

Disciples-related colleges and universities – www.helmdisciples.org/colleges/index.htm

General Minister and President – www.disciples.org/ogmp/

Global Ministries – www.globalministries.org

Higher Education and Leadership Ministries – www.helmdisciples.org

Hispanic Ministries – www.obrahispana.org

Disciples of Christ Historical Society – www.discipleshistory.org

National Benevolent Association – www.nbacares.org

National Convocation – www.disciples.org/convo/index.htm

New Church Ministry (of Church Extension) – www.newchurchministry.org

Communication Ministries – www.disciples.org/cm/index.htm

North American Pacific/Asian Disciples – www.discipleshomemissions.org/NAPAD

Pension Fund – www.pensionfund.org

Reconciliation Mission – www.reconciliationmission.org

Week of Compassion – www.weekofcompassion.org

Young Adult Ministries – www.docya.org