Discipling Council

Role: Will be responsible for providing opportunities for personal and Congregational faith development.

Arts Guild Committee

Responsibilities: The Arts Guild Committee will: arrange church art exhibits showing works of both members and others; select and exhibit appropriate artwork, both permanent and rotating displays; establish, maintain a permanent CLCC art collection; and will work with the Worship Committee when considering anything displayed in the sanctuary or used in worship.

Christian Education (Adult)

Responsibilities: The Christian Education (Adult) Committee will be responsible for planning and implementing a comprehensive program of adult Christian education for the Congregation, which may include not only Sunday School but also other educational programs and opportunities.

Christian Education (Children and Youth)

Responsibilities: The Christian Education (Children and Youth) Committee will be responsible for planning and implementing a comprehensive program of Christian education for the children and youth of the Congregation, which may include not only Sunday School, but also other educational programs and opportunities such as Vacation Bible School.

Church History Committee

Responsibilities: The Church History Team will chronicle the life and activities of the Church and its members. The Committee may include such activities as: photographing/ documenting events, activities of the Church over time; conducting Homecoming activities; maintaining an archive of news clippings; maintaining a handwritten membership roll from the inception of the Church to the present which includes births, deaths, baptisms, and dates joined; maintaining artifacts of the Church; or any other such activities that will bear witness to the life of the Church.


Responsibilities: The Fellowship Committee will promote a spirit of fellowship and hospitality through Church social functions (e.g. sponsoring occasions such as annual picnics, holiday gatherings, all-church meals, etc.).

Labyrinth Keepers

Responsibilities: The Labyrinth Keepers will be responsible for development and maintenance of the CLCC Prayer Labyrinth and its site.

Membership/Evangelism Committee

Responsibilities: Working with the Administrative Assistant, be responsible for maintaining a working roll of the members of the Congregation, including participating and non-participating members; Help new members become familiar with and become involved in programs, ministries, and activities of the Church; Work with the Evangelism/Communications Committee to attract and encourage visitors to join in the life of the Church; Work with the Elders to develop care of Church members through flocks, neighbors, or other groups within the Congregation; Maintain contact with members away in school, care facilities, military service, or others who are out of direct contact with the Church; Work to help non-participating members find a place in the ministries of the Church.


Responsibilities: The Music Committee, working closely with the Director of Music, will be responsible for coordinating the music programs of the Church. The Music Committee will oversee a program of instrumental and vocal music, utilizing talent within and outside the Congregation, to proclaim the gospel through music, thereby enhancing the Congregation’s worship.

Small Group Ministry

Responsibilities: The Small Group Ministry Committee will work to create and support new small groups to further the mission and ministry of the Church.


Responsibilities: The Stewardship Committee will plan and promote a comprehensive program of stewardship, giving emphasis to time, talent, energy, and money. This program will highlight and educate the Congregation on stewardship practice, helping members use their gifts and passions for ministry and encouraging members to invest their lives in the ministry of Christ.


Responsibilities: The Worship Committee, working with the Senior Minister and the Director of Music, will be responsible for planning and implementing meaningful worship experiences in the life of the Congregation.