Welcome Home

It’s true, because we know that every person who comes inquiring about this special fellowship is looking for more meaning in their lives – a community in which they feel at home. So, above all else, we want to express Christ’s love to you with genuine and heartfelt warmth. We’re eager to know you, to hear your story, and we’re excited to share with you the marvelous ways God is working in this church.  We are open and welcoming to all people.

It’s won’t take you long to discover that this is a true community of faith, rich in the relationships that matter most. Growing together, we worship, we serve, we laugh, we cry, we learn, and we reach out to our world with lives transformed in Christ. We want to reach out to you, as well. Our doors are open and our hearts are open too. If you’ve been thinking, praying, searching and hoping for a place to belong, we say again…

Welcome Home.

Who are Disciples?

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), while founded on American soil in the early 1800s, is uniquely equipped to live up to its identity that it is a “movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.” The denomination was born in the 1800s, and continues to be influenced by its founding ideals of our unity in Christ with openness and diversity in practice and belief.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to be the heart and hands of Jesus Christ. We reach out to new populations of all ages, lifestyles and beliefs, bringing them into the life of the church. We make opportunities for spiritual and personal growth by providing inspiring worship, small groups and educational opportunities. We serve our community and world with action, devotion, and dedication making a difference in the lives of all we encounter. We break bread together to fortify the covenant that we embrace our differences, resolve to love, and unite to serve.

Our Future Story

CLCC Dreams:

  1. Dream of relationship and fellowship—developing more small groups for togetherness
  2. Dream of spiritual oxygen—enriching individual and congregational spiritual awareness/growth
  3. Dream of community involvement—living the life of Jesus in our community
  4. Dream of youth ministry—engaging our young people in each aspect of CLCC life
  5. Dream of young adults and families—providing specific ministries to young adults and their families
  6. Dream of caring and healing—developing a broad-based care ministry to our older adults
  7. Dream of mission, outreach, and social justice—actively facilitating equal access for all