Resource Council

Role: The Resource Ministry Council will be responsible for overseeing the operations and management of the Church facilities, finances, and personnel. The Resource Ministry Council will also provide expertise to support the work of the other bodies of the Church including the Minister(s), the Board, the Trustees, and the other two Ministry Councils.

Nominating/Leadership Development Committee

Responsibilities: Prepares a list of nominees to fill the offices of Elders, Deacons, Ministry chairs, Church officers, Committee chairs, delegates to the Regional and General Assemblies, and such other positions as called for in these Bylaws. Develops and implements ways to regularly inform the Congregation about the needs, duties, and responsibilities for leadership positions; solicits input from the Congregation for potential candidates. Works closely with the Volunteer Coordinator to identify Congregational members with particular experience, background, and expertise relevant to specific leadership positions. Meets with potential nominees, along with the Senior Minister, Chair of Elders, Chair of Deacons as appropriate, to discuss the duties. Presents to the Board nominees to fill the unexpired term of any position that may become vacant during the year.

Pastoral Relations Committee

Responsibilities: The Pastoral Relations Committee will provide support for the Senior Minister and will be a regular channel of communication between the Senior Minister and the Congregation.

Personnel Committee

Responsibilities: Develops, reviews, and updates personnel and employment policies of the Church for all staff and employees, including recommending to the Board any necessary changes to the Personnel Policy Manual to ensure consistency of such policies among all staff members; writes job descriptions for each staff position to include qualifications, duties and responsibilities, and clear lines of authority and reporting; Advises and counsels staff concerning all personnel matters as appropriate, and resolves any personnel issues that may arise; Oversees the annual performance evaluations of each staff member; Develops a uniform process to gather information from the constituencies served by each staff member to be used by the evaluation teams to conduct annual performance evaluations; Reviews all performance evaluations and resolves any disputed evaluations.

Property Committee

Responsibilities: Overseeing, caring for, and maintaining all buildings, property, and equipment. Preparing and publishing guidelines for use of Church buildings and property, including policies for use by individuals or groups outside the Church membership.

Technology Team

Responsibilities: The Technology Support Team will support the work of all three Councils. The Technology Team will provide technology support, advice, and counsel on how best to use technology to accomplish the mission and ministry of the Church.


Responsibilities: The Trustees, as legal representatives of the Congregation, will hold, buy, or sell real or intangible properties and other capital assets of the Congregation (except those which may be entrusted to a special Permanent Funds Committee by the Congregation).

Volunteer Coordinator

Responsibilities: The Volunteer Coordinator will be responsible for helping meet the volunteer needs of the Congregation and its Committees and groups. The Volunteer Coordinator will encourage members to support Church programs with time, skills, experience, and energy.