Outreach Council
Role: The Outreach Council is responsible for promoting and encouraging giving to and participating in outreach work both at home and abroad.
Local Outreach
Role of Local Outreach: This committee is responsible for the planning and implementation of ministry and benevolence programs in the local community. The committee will endeavor to discern the ministry needs of the local community and develop ways in which members can address these needs. The committee keeps the congregation informed and will actively recruit and train members to participate in efforts.
Make community more aware of outreach through advertising at church and through local agencies.
FOOD PANTRIES – Fannin and Gilmer Counties
A. Increase collection of food for the food pantries through monthly collections advertised through the Friday mailings, Cherrylogue, and bulletin.
B. Providing income to each Pantry through our church budget each month.
A. Work on improving space for clothes closet at the Little White House (now called the Community Outreach Center)
B. Clothes Closet articles in CherryLogue that share statistics of the success of the clothes closet. The closet is distributing clothing weekly.
C. Search for possible place to get donated clothing, especially children’s clothing
D. Expand list of volunteers for helping with the clothes closet on an ongoing basis.
Develop a plan for year-round gardening and harvesting. Encourage more of the congregation to participate. Meeting in February, 2016 to build a plan for growing and harvesting and the use of land.
A. Deciding on what and where certain vegetables will be planted
B. Use of straw to keep paths between rows weed free.
C. Possible development of a composting area – consideration for not drawing animals (bears, deer, rabbits)
D. Come up with a list of organic solutions for bugs. Also solution for keeping snakes out of garden.
E. Develop timeline for encouraging church members to help for planting, maintaining, and harvesting.
A. Solicit projects for local ministries
D. Investigate participation in Disciples Volunteering and how our church can participate.
Denominational Relations
Role: The Denominational Relations Committee will oversee and maintain communications and relations between CLCC and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), both general and regional offices. The Committee will monitor denominational media sources and report relevant information to Church members. This Committee will work to strengthen relationships with the denomination, making members aware of denominational resources and programs.
To publicize information about the different arms of the Disciples of Christ through links on CLCC web page and Power Point Presentations that are run during Fellowship time.
a. Regional Assembly and Higher Education ministries PowerPoint presentations
b. Christian Church in Georgia PowerPoint presentation
To publicize events and to recruit voting delegates to attend the Regional Assembly and the General Assembly to represent CLCC, and support these delegates by offering a small stipend to help defray costs of registration, travel.
* General Assembly $155 for single registration.
* Regional Assembly $35 for single registration.
Prayer requests for General Assembly added to Friday email and prayer list.
Global Missions
Role: The Global Missions Committee will be responsible for planning and implementing regional, general, and international ministry and benevolence programs. The Committee will work with the denomination to provide CLCC support for the global mission efforts of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), informing the Congregation of these efforts and encouraging member prayer and support for these programs.
Share articles with the congregation on the use of our Disciples Mission Fund contributions.
A. Newsletter article on DMF history and distribution.
B. Presented several videos, on global missions, for Wednesday night programs.
Introduce the special Reconciliation offering to the congregation in September.
A. Article on Special Reconciliation Offering.
B. Presented offering meditation.
C. Receiving the Special Reconciliation Offering in September.
Promote the Week of Compassion offering in February through the newsletter and morning worship.
A. Article for Week of Compassion Offering.
B. Present offering meditation for Week of Compassion Offering.
C. Receiving Week of Compassion Offering.
Health Team
Role: The Health Team will be composed of members interested in developing ways CLCC can support health and wellness programs, both for members and for the community. The Committee leader will be appointed by the Outreach Council Chair.
To re-form the team
A. Three persons asked to chair a reconstituted committee but declined.
B. Hold an open meeting to attract interested persons
C. Post a flu season statement of the website and in Friday email.
D. Monitor and update health materials display