“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it…”
(Psalm 24:1)

Why Give?

As Christ Followers, we believe that we are stewards of God’s resources because God is the owner of all that we have. Throughout scripture, we are reminded of the importance of giving back to God a portion of what God has so generously provided. God’s Word tells us that giving is an act of worship that should be done with a spirit of thanksgiving.

Giving is not only our monetary gifts but also our talents and resources to help Cherry Log Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) be a light in this community and the world.


Weekly Offering During Worship or by Mail
You can give an offering during our worship services on Sunday morning or by mailing a check to us at:Cherry Log Christian Church (DOC)
1149 Cherry Log Street
P.O. Box 289
Cherry Log, Georgia 30522

Online Giving

For your convenience, you can give online.

Click here to go to our online giving site. 

Legacy Partners Foundation

“A Legacy Partner is one who loves Christ and chooses, through end of life planned giving, to build a bridge between today and tomorrow for Cherry log Christian Church ministries.  Such giving provides a living legacy, supporting the mission of the church beyond the giver’s lifetime as the church follows the calling of Christ.”

Testamentary: percentage bequest; fixed amount bequest; residuary bequest; and restricted bequest
Life Income Gifts: charitable gift annuity; deferred payment gift annuity; the charitable remainder trust
Giving through Beneficiary Designation: individual retirement accounts; life insurance.

Information about our Legacy Partner Policy

Frequently Asked Questions about the Legacy Partner Program

Cherry Log Christian Church of Cherry Log, GA has been named the 2017 recipient of the James P. Johnson Stewardship Award by the Board of Directors of the Christian Church Foundation.

Cherry Log Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Celebration Fund

The Celebration Fund is an opportunity for people to celebrate events in their lives by giving a monetary gift to the church.  Cherry Log Christian Church accepts donations from anyone in memory or honor of their life or event.

Please consider the Celebration Fund by mailing a check to us at:
Cherry Log Christian Church (DOC)
1149 Cherry Log Street
P.O. Box 289
Cherry Log, Georgia 30522