Education Groups

All classes are 9:30 to 10:30 – Come join us on Sunday morning.

Contemporary Bible Class

The Contemporary Bible Study Class is studying the gospel lessons for each Sunday from the common lectionary.

Seekers Class

Seekers is a class for people who find questions more engaging than answers, who find that answers are temporary and open new sets of questions. The class chooses a book to structure the discussion and usually chooses a writer who is on the forefront of contemporary theology. Hearing the deep concerns others and feeling heard by others has created the comfort of having companions on the journey, whereas many seekers formerly thought themselves to be alone or in small minority. For people who have let go of certainties and who have a hunger for spiritual connection, Seekers provides understanding, companionship and stimulation.

Wisdom Literature Class

Wisdom is an ancient tradition at the heart of all major religions, including Christianity.  It is concerned with the transformation of the whole human being from our animal instincts and egocentricity into love and compassion, from a judgmental and dualistic worldview into a nondual acceptingness which is the transformation at the heart of the teachings of Jesus.  This recently formed study group is reading a book by Richard Rohr, The Universal Christ, using contemplative discussion techniques that involve deep listening and observing silence between responses, avoiding snap judgments and ingrained reactions.  There is a rich literature that we consider wisdom literature and a new enthusiasm among Christians and Seekers of all kinds for engaging with this knowledge.  Newcomers are welcome.  The class meets in the conference room at 9:30.  Because of the contemplative nature of the class, we appreciate participants being seated by 9:30, ready to observe a settling in time of silence.  Choir members and others who must leave early are welcome to do so.

Worship / Spirituality

Cherry Log Prayer Labyrinth

View this video to learn more about our prayer labyrinth

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer is a contemporary approach to Christian contemplation – the practice of interior silence that leads to a deep “resting in God.” Christians since the early days of the Church have practiced contemplation for the purpose of inner transformation and union with God. The Centering Prayer group meets on Wednesday from 4:00 – 5:15 pm. We begin with discussion based on the study of Centering Prayer and its application in our daily lives and conclude with a 20-minute prayer session. The group is open to anyone who has an interest in exploring the Christian contemplative tradition. Centering prayer is a very simple method to learn and no prior knowledge or experience is necessary.

Care Groups

Stephen Ministry

A Stephen Minister will walk beside you through the disequilibrium you are experiencing.

Stephen Ministry is a lay caring ministry in the congregation. In a Stephen Ministry congregation, lay caregivers (called Stephen Ministers) provide one-to-one Christian care to the bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, separated, divorced, unemployed, relocated, and others facing a crisis or life challenge. Stephen Ministry helps our pastor and congregation provide quality caring ministry for as long as people need it.

The name Stephen comes from St. Stephen, who was the first lay person commissioned by the apostles to provide caring ministry to those in need (as recorded in Acts 6).

Host Gatherings for AA and Al-Non

Cherry Log Christian Church opens its doors to Community groups such as Alcohol Anonymous and Al-Non.  These programs meet at Cherry Log each week.

Music Groups

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir of Cherry Log Christian Church DOC prepares a wide variety of musical offerings for Sunday morning worship. The musical experience may vary from chant, spiritual, and classical to contemporary, traditional, and modern musical offerings. We now have over forty active members in this fine choir. We meet on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. and practice till 8:00 p.m. We prepare music for worship each Sunday morning. We have a space for you if you are interested and want to join this excellent choir.

Bell Choir

The Bell Choir is under the direction of Bob Clarke. Rehearsals are held in the sanctuary on Thursday evenings at 5:00. The Bell Choir rings at least once a month and for other special occasions. Anyone interested in ringing should contact Bob Clarke (706/632-0113).

Interest Groups

Disciples Women

Disciples Women meet every month for this vital contribution to our faith and fellowship journey. Here’s what we do: We begin with prayer. We learn. Each year there is a mission emphasis. This emphasis includes guest speakers, research, and projects to help with the mission. We share joys, ideas, concerns, resources. There are always opportunities to give an offering, and our offerings support outreach missions both local and far-reaching. We share lunch together as we strengthen friendships. Twice a year, we have the opportunity to gather with Disciple Women from across the area and the state in a Saturday spring conference and a three-day fall retreat. We’ll be happy to see you!

Green Chalice Program

The purpose of the Green Chalice Program is to encourage and assist Cherry Log Christian Church, Disciples of Christ congregation to live out their faith by caring for creation. This program is designed to all of us to be good stewards of God’s creation. It also aims to empower others with ideas and resources to enable them to walk gently on the earth.

Bead Weavers Group

“Beads and beadwork have a universal appeal that links people across cultures and ages…beads have a deeper more spiritual aspect: they provide good fortune, protection from evil forces, and link us to a more spiritual realm.” (Laura McCabe)  One beading book is titled: “Finding Your Sacred Center through the Art of Beadwork.”  The word “bead” comes from an Old German word meaning “prayer.” In many religions beads are used in praying, like the rosary. This group carries out the ancient meaning of the word “bead” as we fellowship together and help find our “sacred center.”  We weave jewelry from crystals and small seed beads and share joys, sorrows, and concerns.

Faith in Fiction Book Discussion

Faith in Fiction meets on the second Friday of each month to discuss a work of fiction. We believe in the importance of stories to enrich and deepen our perspectives on life, explore our values and question our culture. We enjoy the friendship of other readers and the joy of sharing ideas and insights. Books are chosen for literary quality and for depth of meaning. The group welcomes anyone who enjoys reading and discussing good literature.